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Family Tartans
Displayed below are the appropriate tartans to be worn by the MacDougalls/McDowells (Macdowalls, Macdoualls, etc.).
Shown here are the Ancient and Modern (color) variants. The Ancient tartans are more muted (less vibrant) due to their imitation of the colors
achieved by the use of ancient plant dyes. The warp and weft are the same, but the colors appear much more faded and washed out.
Clan MacDougall Ancient and Clan MacDougall Modern
The Clan MacDougall Tartan (Modern)
The appropriate Clan Tartan to be worn by the McDowells as members of Clan MacDougall.
The Clan MacDougal Tartan (Hunting)
The appropriate Clan Tartan to be worn by the McDowells as members of Clan MacDougall.
The Galloway District Tartan (Ancient)
An appropriate tartan to be worn by the McDowells as descendants of the Ancient Lords of Galloway
The Galloway District Tartan (Modern)
An appropriate tartan to be worn by the McDowells as descendants of the Ancient Lords of Galloway
The Galloway District Tartan (Hunting)
An appropriate tartan to be worn by the McDowells as descendants of the Ancient Lords of Galloway
Antrim Irish Tartan
An alternative tartan, appropriate for wear by the McDowells of County Antrim, Northern Ireland
If you copy (and crop off the black borders) and then tile these tartan graphics, they make beautiful screen savers (bmp) and backgrounds (jpg).
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